Monday, September 17, 2007

'Bout time!

I remember when my stepfather had to be returned to the OR after heart surgery and I was surprised when he was charged for the additional OR time, etc. (hey, I was naive then). From the Boston Globe article:
About half of Massachusetts hospitals say they have adopted policies to waive charges for serious medical errors such as wrong-site surgery and harmful medication mistakes, and others say they plan to, amid growing resistance from government and health insurers to paying for poor outcomes.

Thirty-three of 61 hospitals recently reported to a national hospital-quality organization, The Leapfrog Group, that they have voluntarily stopped charging for 28 serious and rare errors, called "never events." But consumer groups, health insurers, legislators, and employers are pushing for more far-reaching and mandatory policies as ways to reduce errors, and hospital executives said they expect to forgo payments in an increasing number of cases, including those in which patients require additional treatment because they contracted an infection in the hospital or fell in their room.
Click here to access the article.

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