Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ACCME to post additional information on providers

From the New York Times article "Steps to Greater Accountability in Medical Education":
Dr. Murray Kopelow, chief executive of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, said he would make public “within weeks” a previously confidential listing of classes and companies that violated rules against commercial bias.

And at the urging of a prominent critic who successfully filed a complaint alleging bias in a specific course, Dr. Kopelow said his group was reviewing a proposal that would require educators to notify doctors and furnish corrective materials whenever it is later found that the class material was biased in favor of a drug firm.
A council spokeswoman, Tamar Hosansky, said the only violations to be posted on the Web site would be those initiated and resolved since February, when the council notified providers that it reserved the right to make the information public.
Click here to access the NYT article.

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