Friday, October 27, 2006

"CME" intervention on DVT prophylaxis in France

An Archives of Internal Medicine article by French doctors reports that provider education on evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of DVT was successful. What made the difference? As reported in the heartwire article, the lead author, Doctor Elodie Sellier (University Hospital, Grenoble, France) states that the decrease in DVTs (from 12.8% preintervention to 7.8% postintervention) was due primarily to an increase in the use of graduated compression stockings. Furthermore:

"Rates of minor bleeding and thrombocytopenia were similar in the two patient groups, and no major bleeding was observed, note Sellier et al, suggesting that the educational intervention reduced the incidence of DVT without compromising patient safety."

Sellier E, et al. Effectiveness of a Guideline for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Elderly Post–Acute Care Patients. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:2065-2071.

Just curious, do articles like this get into the CME literature database even if there are no keywords like "continuing medical education"?

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