Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Employee Benefit Research Institute survey shows

that "fewer than two in 10 Americans are satisfied with the cost of health insurance and with costs not covered by insurance. More than half are 'not too satisfied' or 'not at all satisfied.'" There was no change in satisfaction ratings with the quality of care. While increases in health care insurance premiums have slowed over the past few years, it is still approximately double the rate of increase in Americans' earnings and twice that of the rate of inflation. The EBRI phone survey indicated that Americans are not able able to save as much for retirement due to rising health care costs. While this survey only interviewed 1,000 Americans, its findings are interesting. The good news:

"Americans also have changed their behavior — seeking out generic drugs, trying to take better care of themselves and talking to their doctors more carefully about treatment options, the study found."

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