Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The role of alcohol in crime and accidents is underreported

A study to be published in the November 2006 issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol estimates that alcohol plays a role in about one-third of homicides and one-third of fatal non-traffic accidents. Interestingly, the study found that the media underreports this association:

"While alcohol is linked to 34 percent of motor vehicle accidents, only 12.8 percent of television stories, 19.2 percent of newspaper articles, and 22.2 percent of magazine articles about such accidents mentioned the use of alcohol, the study revealed. For stories about fatal accidents not involving motor vehicles, alcohol was mentioned in 1.4 percent of television reports, 4.8 percent of newspaper stories and 13.6 percent of magazine articles. However, statistics suggest 31 percent of these accidents involve the use of alcohol. The link between violent crime and alcohol use was also rarely acknowledged."

Food for thought...(certainly not drink for thought).

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